Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reflection on the course.

When I opted to participate in this course, I never thought that I would do so many things. Actually this course changed my perception about blogs. I used to think that blogs are just used for discussions only. Now I know that they can be used for training as well.

I liked the way the instructor/trainer conducted it, very simple and anybody could understand what to do and how to do it. Fiona is a great trainer.

Sometimes if I look at my blog. I wonder if I really did all that. It is amazing and I have gained a lot of knowledge through the blog which I am willing to pass over to my teachers. What is interesting is that teachers can be trained while they are at their respective schools and they do not need to travel to a common destination.

I want to thank Fiona once more.

Reflection for Week 3

Wow. This is the only word that can describe the week three activity. I did so many things that I thought I could not do. I managed to add a photo, and I went a step further to add a powerpoint presentation and a video on the subject.

This as I said earlier on is a "wow" to me. I hope the teachers will be able to do these staff and make their lessons interesting.